Hi, my name is
I am a
I have always been a Maker. I started out making things as a kid, from giant tricycles that could hold three of my friends to parachutes (or ER visits to put another way). I explore the world around me, making things along the way. As I went off to college to become an engineer, I found that I enjoyed making things within an art context and quickly switched to sculpture and ceramics. I was hooked with the idea of "process"; learning new tactics to create. I developed a craft within every medium I could investigate. I fell in love with learning in order to create. The passion to learn and create led me naturally back to engineering with Software/hardware.
Customer Experience Design
Full Stack Web Development
Mentoring and Instruction
Hardware Design
Javascript, React, Redux, HTML, CSS/Styling Libraries, A11y, Postman, APIs, Frameworks, Webpack, Socket.io, & Figma
Node.Js, Express, SQL (Postgres), noSQL (Mongo & Firebase), Docker, APIs, Bootstrap, & Algos/Data Structures.
Technical Training & Instruction, Git, Test Driven Development, C++ (variant) within microprocessing IDE, and Hardware
Microcontrollers, 3.3v-5v Senors/modules, Relays, electronic locks, solenoids, linear actuators, lasers, and 3D printers